Change Oracle, Advisor of Icons: Work With Bunny Morgan-Brown
I'm starting a new chapter of my career as we enter this chaotic new astrological age. Let's go on that journey together.
Editor’s Note: This is a repost of a post I made to Facebook.
Without dilvulging any information of a client, I had a very affirming experience of where I feel like I am headed workwise.
There are going to be people who have access to resources and power that is disproportionate relative to the community around them, but they're still not billionaires, or even multiple 100s of millions. Or they are, and want to make amends, reform, and changes for the better. Or they inherited, and want to make amends and changes for the better. These are the kinda folks who join Resource Generation, and the sorts of folks who just happened to choose a career or a line of work where they've attained under capitalist, etc., paradigms, but they know that all of that shit is on the way out (or needs to be.)
...but what do you do in the meanwhile?
How do you relate to money, specifically? How do you hold that power?
How do you navigate divestment and redistribution with both a systemic and a personal relational lens in integrity with each other?
Because it's really easy for folks who ain't never seen the better side of more than a few grand to say, "Well just give it all away." - without realizing there is no established culture around even the ideas of generosity and giving that isn't dysfunctional as fuck (looking at you, non-profit industrial complex!; but also poverty as virtue is a Christian hegemonic notion), potentially traumatizing to the recipients if it's not done well and in a way that still preserves their dignity and agency (see also: lotto winners, who become so deeply dysregulated by the bomb dropped on them), and that this is all very RELATIONAL which means it's never going to be fully "rational" and "scientific". It's very ANCESTRAL and HISTORICAL and SOCIOLOGICAL. It's about the stories folks tell and how they tell them and why, and who, too, is telling them. Inasmuch as there are real complex questions about how to **wield that power** in relationship with one's ethics, morals, and political praxis.
So much of my work is working with these threads of fate that are both seen and obvious, but also unseen and not obvious. We have no detailed recollection - it would be IMPOSSIBLE to do and for any individual community to hold alone at this point, but this is why roles like griot and ritual tending have existed - of what has happened for 99.99% of existence. That is, quite literally, Mystery: an unknowable reverberation of events that have happened and are still interacting in nonlinear ways that we perceive linearly, geared inevitably towards Change (which is, in fact, abstracted into love: love of self, however dysfunctional it expresses; love of community, again, however dysfunctional), prompting us to navigate this material reality, while knowing there exists a reality beyond this one, where physics and math are fundamentally indistinguishable in some ways from magic.
The language of my professional, spiritual, and creative universe really centers itself around that idea of fate hyphae, conceived/best understood the non-linear, linearly perceived threads of causation and correlation that reverberate throughout our existence, whose origin points are both seen and unseen, obvious and not obvious. We have no detailed recollection - it would be IMPOSSIBLE to do and for any individual community to hold alone at this point, but this is why roles like griot and medicine person have existed - of what has happened for 99.99% of existence. That is, quite literally, Mystery: an unknowable reverberation of events that have happened and are still interacting in nonlinear ways that we perceive linearly, geared inevitably towards Change (which is, in fact, abstracted into love: love of self, however dysfunctional it expresses; love of community, again, however dysfunctional), prompting us to navigate this material reality, while knowing there exists a reality beyond this one, where physics and math are fundamentally indistinguishable in some ways from magic.
How do you navigate situations you cannot rationally process, where there is no immediately discernible root, or the sheer amount of information that is involved goes beyond the current limit of human cognition? You use magic. You tell stories. Until the pattern(s) become visible and known, and the stories we tell need to shift and adjust to honor what is. We know well-crafted stories are also WAY more efficient than rote analysis for communicating with the public and teaching the community, because they allow people to internalize facts in a truth that is useful to them, while orienting them towards the collective. But this is also why bad theology kills, and ideological discourse needs to be well managed in order to maintain being truly open and free, and why intention morality & orthodoxy is not a good mile marker for defining our relating, but law is a necessity nonetheless. This is also why talk therapy works, but it also doesn't, because therapy helps address the biological harm and addresses the personal stories, but there can be no interface with collective consciousness and the stories our society tells **about us** and to each other. You can't therapize that shit away!
All of this is to say: scientific thinking has a place, it strives to make more of that invisible, visible, and as our ability to utilize what I am gonna call supra-metacognition grows, that could be very liberating or it could doom us all. But the work I do - intuition - is merely pattern recognition of what can emerge from chaos (btw: this is astrology, imo, too), and that is where science falls down and fucks its face up because until something has been done, it is considered impossible or miraculous. There is always an element of unpredictability and uncertainty even in the most rigidly "rational" of circumstances.
The practice of magic, the use of even secular ritual, is asserting tools and stories to engage that chaos directly, and to have a conversation with & access the memories of the world around us and the perception of those events from not-exclusively-human lenses. We are trying to comprehend what other beings in the world, other forces and constructs, have experienced outside of us, literally or allegorically. It is compassion and empathy, because those are our species' primary evolutionary and survival mechanisms.
That is the work I do.
I am deeply, viscerally fluent in Change.
Specifically around making choices in regards to money and power as we enter this liminal and shaky chapter of humanity.
Because all of my best clients (and future best clients) know these resources and power need to be de-escalated, decentralized, and redistributed somebow, but all of the possibilities for how to do that have not yet materialized, or may not be immediately visible to them, and that is part of the problem. I, personally, think we really do have to begin thinking locally and communally - on the scale of cities, unions, kinfolk cultures and shared interests beyond consumption - in order to be in integrity globally, and protect the planet, because that is literally how ecology works. Human beings are ANIMALS who are part of the living being of the WORLD and the UNIVERSE, which absolutely contains other intelligence just as sophisticated as ours if not moreso, which is why animism is a politically prudent position regardless of how secular you are.
I am not a financial advisor, a cpa, a tax professional, etc. All of those types of folks can answer technical expertise questions about what is possible within the constraints of the discipline, what has been best practice as of yet. Those folks can help figure out how to bring about the Change itself, when it comes to how you manage money and power. But they are not necessarily equipped to *see* the opportunity for Changes themselves. That is what I do, so - most importantly- you do that for yourself, and choose it for yourself.
So, if you're a person who is still getting a bag, who has had luck on your side even in this liminal time, and you know you want to weaponize that for actual shifts for collective wellbeing...